I haven't felt very chatty lately, but a lot has been going on. And so I have a whole heckuva lot to say.
First: J and I went to a wedding last weekend. It was J's best man getting married, so he got to do him a turn and was his best man. We went out Friday afternoon, and found out at the rehearsal that it was going to be a full Catholic mass wedding. Whoa...
We went bowling with his friend and two other groomsmen that night, which was a blast. Two of the groomsmen have the same first name, and got the exact same bowling score on the second game. Funny stuff.
The wedding was beautiful. I saw most of it through a video camera lens, which was a new experience for me. Hopefully I did OK, though I zoomed too fast a few times (tried to nudge it, but nudged too hard I guess). The batteries ran out just as the happy new couple got to the end of their walk down the aisle. Better than it could've been, but I'd been hoping to get the rest of the wedding party as they departed. Ah well, at least I got the newlyweds, right?
The reception was fun. We got to talk more with the other groomsmen and their wives, and other family members. They're all really cool.
One couple lives not too far from us, as it turns out, so we talked about maybe getting together some time. Another we're hoping to see some time when we're in Jeff City again, which we do somewhat often.
Second: J's birthday was Wednesday. Since he wants a new chest of drawers, I told him we'd go shopping and pick him out one for his birthday gift. However, I still wanted to have something to give him on the day itself, especially since I couldn't take him out to dinner that night. However, I could come up with absolutely nothing he wanted (there aren't any PS2 or computer games he wants, no CDs, etc.). So I went with what he needed, plus some chocolate and a nice card. What he needed was rather disappointing, though, which kinda sucked. He needed some black dress socks, so I got him 8 pairs of 'em. I put those in a gift bag that had pandas on it (he likes 'em some, though not anywhere near as much as polar bears, which of course I couldn't find), put the candy on top, then added the card. I tried...
Last night I took him out to dinner, and he picked Kobe's Japanese Steak House. Woo-hoo!
We both had a ton of fun. For those not in the know, this is a place where they have 10 people per long table, all seated to the ends and one side. Most of the table is a big solid metal grill area, and the chef stands on the other side. Basically, they put on a show while cooking everyone's food orders, with such things as making a flaming volcano with thick-sliced onion rings stacked just so and some oil. It's great fun, and awesome food, though not somewhere to go really often unless you have that kind of spending cash 'cause it's more expensive than a trip to Applebees or whatever. Anyway, after that we got up to some nice private shenanigans, and had a very good evening.
Third: I got my black belt Wednesday. I think I'm still a bit in shock. My sister surprised me by being at class, and even dressed out in her gi and wearing her own 3rd degree black belt.
That was a very nice surprise, indeed. Then class was her warming them up, which they definitely were not accustomed to (our warmups are way more lax -- and probably shouldn't be -- and they all got a taste of what things really ought to be like); then I got to be the "bad guy" (read: beat-up dummy). The scenario was, what if you're standing in an open playground or field or something, and you have someone standing ~6 or 8 feet in front of you, and you hear some other voice yell "Get him!!" (or, "Get her!!" in the case of the girls). What do you do? So we posed that to them, got a couple suggestions, then I got to run at our volunteer. After a bit of that, the other students got to take turns getting run at by me. So of course I earned quite a few bruises and other such fun.
After that, at 8pm when the regular class usually ends, another student who just returned after a lengthy absence and who was allowed to resume as a red belt, was awarded her brown belt now that she's back up to speed. They actually let me hand her her belt, which I was surprised by. Then I was called in front of all three black belts (sister, dad -- 5th degree black, and grandmaster John -- 10th degree). That was a rather emotional experience, getting my black belt. Not gonna go into ceremonial details, but it was... wow. I was surprised neither my dad nor I had tears streaming down our cheeks.
After I got hugs and congrats from all three black belts, I then went around the room to shake hands with or hug all the other students. Then everyone got to "tighten my belt" -- every time someone gets a new rank, the tradition is that everyone grabs onto the belt, some on one side and some on the other, and they all pull as hard as they can.
That was followed by lots of pictures and then my dad brought out the awesome cake he'd picked up. It had white icing and the words were in blue -- my favorite color, and there was a black belt in black icing underneath. Awesome.
And it was a chocolate cake! Then we got into the bubbly (alcoholic for the adults, nonalcoholic for the underaged). And of course we didn't do an adult class that night. Ooh, and my mom was there to see me get my black belt and take pictures. That was awesome.
This weekend's going to be busy too. J's aunts Kathy & Sarah are coming in to St. Louis around 5 or 6pm tonight, so we're going to visit with them there and probably go back to Holts Summit with them and J's parents to hang out until Saturday night or Sunday morning. And J's stepdad said something about helping fix our toilet (something about a flexible instead of rigid pipe for the one that goes from the tank to the valve, getting a slightly different sized apparatus inside for the one we'd had to replace instead of the one we got, in addition to the lend of a wrench or two and the use of the special tape J got). I guess that'd be this evening before we head back home, but I've no idea if that's still in the works.
I don't know when we're going to get time to shop for J's dresser, especially since it's not like we can guarantee just going to one shop and finding exactly what he wants on the first try. All I know is we'll probably get a lighter wood to go with the other oak stuff we have, though of course if we find the perfect one otherwise that just happens only to come in a dark wood, that'll be fine too.