I have a nomination for "least usable website EVAR!!!" And I'm not talking about people's personal websites. They can do whatever the hell they want, and as long as it's accessible to them and the people they know for sure they want to use it, then who cares? I'm talking about a more high-profile website: Guinness World Records. Yes, they have a website. And no, it doesn't work. In fact, this isn't just a case of IE-shortsightedness: it doesn't work in IE 5, Netscape 4.7x, or Netscape 6 (I'm betting it won't work in Netscape 7 or IE 6 either, which I have at home.) I don't know what it would work in, actually.
The problems vary with the browser. Don't even bother loading it with Netscape 4.anything: you get a blank navy blue screen. They use the <iframe> tag (why, God only knows). Netscape 4 has never supported this; it's the web standard however and Netscape 6/7 and IE 5+ (maybe 4 too, dunno) all support it. HOWEVER, it allows for alternate content in case the source of the iframe dosen't load, or for browsers that don't support it (I'm guessing text-only browsers can't handle it at all either). That's where <ilayer> comes in, which is what Netscape 4 uses instead. So you just stick that set of tags nested inside the <iframe> tags (which automatically makes it "alternate content" as far as the iframe is concerned) and have that load. Not only that, this tag provides for alternate content in the same way. So, for browsers that don't support either (or hypothetically when the source of iframe or ilayer won't load) you put a little snippet of text of some sort inside the ilayer, perhaps with a link to alternate content, or a link at least to the page that's supposed to load, or a "your browser does not support this" message. I thought every web designer knew this stuff... guess not.
Okay, with that out of the way, I'll now list the problems with Netscape 6 (and possibly 7... after I test it out at home I'll edit this message if I find anything different, for better or worse) and IE 5 (again, I'll test it in IE 6 and see if anything's different).
Netscape 6:
- This first one is relatively minor, but it also showcases that there are some rather basic things wrong with this site. There's a left section that obviously contains a search box with a tiny "go" graphic next to it. Above that, it's supposed to say "Find a world record". Below it, there are two short lines that are supposed to appear: "Enter key words separated by a space" and "e.g. pogo stick, longest fingernails". In Netscape 6, all three lines say "done". That's it, just "done". I don't know what was done, but obviously it wasn't done successfully.
- Okay, so you still know it's a search box, right? Heh, at least it should be... when I type some words in and click the teeny (yes, teeny... the "go" is barely distinguishable in spite of being medium goldish orange text on very very dark navy blue) go button, it pops up a new window with just that same left navigation. Nothing changes on the previous page, nothing else loads on that new page.
- The main page that loads initially, in the main screen, with the different teaser mini-articles with "more" links and pictures, doesn't scroll. They have their CSS rules set up somehow that the content is cut off to the exact size of the frame, so no scrollbars appear. I tried my "page down" button on my keyboard, which will scroll the content in spite of there not being anymore, and there was nothing under it. It was completely cut off, so nothing but blank space was underneath. Whoops...
- There are navigation buttons at the top, which are one big flash animation so that the cute circles with words on them can drop down all cool and stuff. Yeah, well that's all you get out of 'em. You click on one, and only one thing changes: that same flash navigation reloads and does its bouncy stuff again. The main page doesn't change at all.
- I did finally find a successful link that did something. Darned if I know what it was, but it brought up a registration screen (that scrolls just fine inside the iframe). It's free, they just want your first & last name, email address, and theres' a checkbox for whether you want their email newsletter (I unchecked it) and radio buttons for HTML or text formatting, and a submit button. I filled it out and entered it, and that seemed to work. However, I noticed there is no login button on the site, and in spite of putting a cookie on the machine so I don't have to register again (the page stated that it would put a cookie on so it would know who I am after registering) that page just comes up all over again, and it doesn't make any of their navigation magically work.
- Their "contact us" form doesn't work. The page loads, but it won't submit. There's a Javascript error with their JS validation function. I'm sure I could figure it out, but it's not my job and I don't feel like it. Of course, with Javascript off, the form won't submit either (I'm guessing it's because if there's an onclick event on the submit, that always gets a "false" and fails to submit the form, which is a Netscape behavior I don't necessary like, but for Netscape 6 that's the way it works). So, I couldn't use it to tell them all the errors they have.
IE 5:
- Being that there was no login button, I of course had to register all over again (which it let me do even with the identical information I supplied before... no "you already registered" message or anything). However, every time I try to get anywhere, in spite of the fact IE has all cookies enabled, without prompting even, it brings up the registration screen. And I know from the Nescaspe 6 registration that it does indeed set a cookie, so I imagine that's still happening. Evidently it doesn't know how to read its own cookies. Nice... basically, this means when I try to search or use the navigation buttons at the top, or anything I tried besides "contact us" I get that stupid registration form to fill out and I can't get anywhere.
- Their submit page won't submit either. I filled everything out (I didn't mention before... they want you full mailing address, but their JS validation doesn't check to see if it's valid, it just makes sure it's not blank, so I just filled in crap), and the submit button did absolutely nothing. I got no error message at all, it just did absolutely nothing. So evidently their validation routine is f%$#ed.
So there are less things wrong with the site in IE than Netscape, so it was probably designed with IE in mind. But they still have some major, major bugs. I did manage to see one record on their site without the registration form popping up: the first three stories, under "daily records" had links, and those actually took me to the stories (evidently those are accessible without being registered, sort of "teasers" to entice you to register). But that's it. Even their FAQ brings up that damn registration page.
I did get to send them a "contact us" message in spite of their best efforts to hose their code though.
(Two messages actually... I discovered the registration problem in IE after I wrote it, so I sent 'em another one.) Maybe what I did wasn't strictly legal (copyright and all), but basically I rewrote their form, minus the JS validation (I knew I wasn't leaving any fields blank that they wanted to have stuff in... even if all the text isn't valid, hehe). I took most of the fields (all the required ones, none of the optional ones, since I wasn't going to fill out my website of phone number, etc.) and put 'em in my own simplified table layout, and had the form pointing to the exact same place their form did. I named all the fields the same, capitalization included, and used all the attributes they did (especially value attributes for their select boxes). For the "title", "year of birth", and "country" dropdown boxes, I just used the choice I was going to choose. After I was done with that, I filled it out the same as I had in their real form, and hit submit. I got a "thanks" message with no errors in it.
So I'm hoping they got those got through to them and they'll realize what a horrible afterbirth their site is.
The funny thing is, I don't think they're not meaning for people to use their site either. I mean, it's not easy to get a #1 ranking on search engines, right? But I did a Google search for "Guiness Book of World Records" and after the sponsored "buy the book now" link, this was the first one to come up. (And the second one, also theirs (guinessrecords.com) comes up with a blank screen even in Netscape 6, similar to the Netscape 4 one... so it's even worse!) So, um... shouldn't they maybe have actually tested the code first, actually making sure it all worked, before going live on the web with it?? All this is why I wonder if they have little kids programming their site instead of real adults. At the very least they have the crappiest, least experienced web "deezigners" who ever found a job doing webpages. I mean, even if you don't care about accessibility issues for those with disabilities, poor eyesight, or whatever, this wasn't even accessible to someone with a variety of browsers at her disposable, who is in perfect health and has no accessibility issues. (I'm somewhat near-sighted, but that's what glasses are for!) I wonder if any websites concerning things "not to do" when designing web pages, would be interested in this page...