Mister Mistopheles' Story

I'm on a cat story mailing list (Flippy's mailing list), and these three emails came between Aug 3 and Aug 9. I'm so happy how it turned out, that I thought I'd share the story. After the first one, which was forwarded to the list upon request, I really hoped there would be follow-ups so we could all find out what happened. Read on:

Email #2:


Because a few posters don't seem to understand the process involved, I felt I needed to post this, even though it is a bit premature and I am hoping I don't jinx this by doing so.

*Every* offer of help or suggestion has been carefully looked at by us and weighed against the actual circumstances. A lot has been going on in e-mail and phone calls. Due to the time frame and Mister's circumstances, much had to be and was done in the time since I first received the owner's e-mail and all of our energies have been focused on finding the *right* home for this particular kitty. Things may look perfect when someone posts offering help, but once the details are looked at, it all may look quite different.

In any case, we have found a wonderful home for Mister where he will be welcomed with care and compassion. However, we have ordered a full blood panel plus FeLV and FIV testing so that we know his status prior to adopting him out.

We are hoping that all will be well and we have been doing happy dances non-stop. :-)

Please keep your fingers (and your kitties' furry paws) crossed that all will work out as hoped and that we can begin making travel arrangements. Mister is going east. I will not ship him in cargo. I will pick him up, accompany him, and deliver him to his new home.

As soon as the tests come back I'll post another update.
